Monday, 18 March 2013

Beauty Candy

Hello everyone! Firstly I'd like to apologise for my huge absence during this month. I'm quite busy at school these days, but I'll manage to post more often! So, how you guys have been? 
I came here today to share with you an amazing beauty product I've discovered! This week I was talking with one of my friends and she kept picking up some pinky gummy bears from her bag and I happened to ask her what was it. Then, she answered me with a simple quote "Beauty Candy, didn't you hear about that?'' 
The thing is: these tiny little gummy bears are a huge success around Brazil and now in the UK. They're part of a range called "Beauty'in" created by a brazilian entrepreneur Cristina Arcangeli. And, even though I live in Brazil, I didn't hear about that until now. 
I've tried one of these and I instantly got addicted. These gummy bears are delicious! And besides that, they're miraculous! They're boosted with collagen (an important element that gives elasticity to the skin, making it look a lot younger and healthier) and victamins A, C and E that act as an antiage too. The small package contains around 12 units (which is the ideal quantity for a day) and costs 7,00 reais (something around 2,50 pounds). It's a bit expansive, I know. But it really worths the price. 
The small candies are avaliable in 4 different flavours: raspberry, lemon, orange and strawberry. They're not as sweet as the usual gummy bears, as they're a beauty and healthy product that contains 0 sugar and fat, but I need to say that they taste incredibly good and can put and end to that sweet-hunger we have now and then. 

Have you ever tried this kind of product? Do you think it works? Share with us in the comments!

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