Wednesday 2 January 2013

2013 - Let It Start!

Hello everyone! How are you all, cutie things? Soooo, if you didn't realise it yet, IT'S 2013 yay! I don't know about you, but I'm quite excited about this year so far. I can see a lot of great things coming for us and I have so many expectations and plans in my mind... That's why I'm doing this post! I'm gonna share with you my ''To Do'' list for 2013 (and pretty please, SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS WITH ME DOWN IN THE COMMENTS!).
So, here we go:

  1. To start, I want to take photograph lessons. I've got a professional camera for Christmas (here it is), so I'm quite excited to start taking great photos with it. 
  2. Re-design my bedroom. It's so basic and I got so bored with its decoration... I really need to change it. Ideas? Leave a comment!
  3. Fix my bad diet. This item is always on my 'to do' list, but let's make a pink promess right now: THIS YEAR, I'LL DO IT FOR GOOD.
  4. Study harder. I know it seems silliness and just another faulty item, but I really got to do this. And so do you, huh.
  5. Fix my social network addiction. These days, I went to sleep over my Grannys and my cellphone ran out of battery and I realised I just CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT INTERNET. And that's bad. That's really bad. I'll fix it.
  6. Take part on a social action or an NGO. My school has several nice social projects. It's time to let laziness aside and help people.
  7. Resume my piano lessons. Music had to be expelled from my schedule a time ago, but now, maybe, I could get a little time to play.
  8. Blog more. This blog is my dream, and now, with my new camera and great ideas, I promess that 2013 will be full of nice things around here.
  9. Arrange my writings. I have so many texts saved... I really need to organize them.
  10. Finally get courageous enough to make videos for you. What do you think?
That's just 10 of my thousands of plans for this year. Really, I have soooo many! What about all of you, beautiful people? Let me know what plans you have made for 2013! And together, let's make all of them become true!

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