Sunday 26 May 2013

Dream Come True

Hey everyone!

I am really sorry for being away for too long!

So... Today I am going to share with you one of my favourite singers! His name is John Mayer, you probably know him as Katty's Perry ex-boyfriend!


At the Grammys 

After,  I guess, 9 years likeing him, he is finally coming to Brazil! Firstly he was comig just for Rock in Rio, but then he decided to perform in São Paulo on his "Born & Raised world tour 2013"! And I am going!!!! It was one of the happiest days when I found it out!

Well, if you don't know him I am going to present!  He is a American boy, from Connecticut and he started his studies in music in Boston, but he decided to quit and then moved to Atlanta where started to become famous. His first album of all was "Room for Squares" and his new album is "Born & Raised". Also a few time ago he had cancer wich made him stop for a while, but now he is fine!

I started to like him when my father presented his first album to me... It was love at the first sight!
A few of my favourite songs:

There are many others that I love! If you liked him and you want to know more I would be glad to help, and if you knew him already tell me what is your favourite song! 


Friday 12 April 2013

Dare To Be Yourself

You know, people... In the past few weeks I've been putting myself in some situations I know that are wrong and bring me no good. Situations like standing in front of a mirror and pointing all and every single flaw I reckon I own. I've been accusing myself for not looking like everyone expects me to, and this is causing me pain, frustration and guilt. As far as I'm concerned, no one's perfect. But this ''judging sessions'' of mine ignore this fact and emphasises that everybody is seeking for perfection. And I have to do this too. Furthermore, something keeps whispering into my mind that, of all the people that I know, I'm easily the one who has the greatest number of flaws. It's not about being pretty or not pretty. It's about feeling enough or, in many cases, not enough.
However, making a way through these harsh weeks gave me the opportunity to make my mind up about this little battle inside me and get everything to be clear. You know when you see a stunning person and wonder to yourself ''Oh my God, this person must be so happy, he/she is flawless!"? Yeah, I've happened to think to myself like that, too. Several times. But we're wrong. Being stunning isn't a synonym of being happy. I don't even know where we got this idea from. Another thing I always do is to compliment my beautiful friends and get answers like ''Oh, I wish'' or "C'mon, you must be kidding". I realized that a lot - and I might say - all of us are going through the same path: struggling to deal with who we are.
So, firstly, I had to face the fact that life isn't made to be perfect. Neither do we. And I decided that every time I looked in the mirror from that moment on, I would dare myself to be who I am. Dare myself to be okay. Dare myself to love me. And I came here to say that if you've ever felt the way I felt, you're not alone. Make a enjoyable way through life, do not struggle with it. Dare yourself to be who you are today, and find out that you're way way way better than you thought you were. Look at the mirror and smile, instead of getting disappointed with yourself for being the way you are. No, we're not perfect. But we really don't need to be.

Saturday 30 March 2013

Thoughts, thoughts... Somethings About Life

Sometimes, we may think we're too young to understand what life's about. Our parents say us so. The society say us so. The whole world look at us and says us so. But these days, I was wondering that the younger you are, the more rightful you understand it. A child has time to appreciate a singing bird, but as we grow up, we can't waste time on that anymore. A kid can enjoy the raining sound, bur for us, it's only a hamper in our precise routine. For how long will we take our lifes this way? I don't know about too many things, but some things I know for sure: I don't want to become an human without compassion; I don't want to miss the tiny little details that make life precious; I don't want to lock myself in a room during the whole day to the rest of my life; I don't want to get used to the war, to not saying 'good morning' in the lift, to not having contact, knowing another humans. I don't want to spend my life without listening to stories; I don't want to go through the street without caring about the homeless people. I don't want to talk without having eye contact. I don't want to touch people superficially; I want to mark them. I want to change some lifes and I want my life to be changed by people. It doesn't matter the subject we're talking about: fashion, beauty, photography, politcs, arts, cinema. We're talking. And this is the sign that all of us were waiting for: we're not becoming one of them. We're not becoming loveless human beings. We're getting closer. And by getting closer, we're creating deep relationships. And by that, we're acting in our dream: to be and to let be; to change and to let be changed; to act; to believe; to listen and to let be listened; to love and to let be loved; to admire, and to let be admired. I still believe - and strongly do - that we can, beyond understanding this world, we can be part of it. 

Thursday 28 March 2013

2 in 1 Post

Hello everyone!

I am really sorry for being away for so long... I am so going to try to don't do this again ok?!

Well, as a apology today I am doing a 2 in 1 post! Ahahah  something that I just invented! So, I am going to talk about to things in the same post!

I have got some new makeup products that I'd like to share with you, but today I will talk about a nail polisher and about an iPhone lens.

So let's do it!

Well, as you all were able to see THE COLOR OF THE YEAR IS EMERALD! I got all this nail polish at the Sephora store! I don't really remember the price, but the color is pretty amazing, I would say, one of my favourite green color in a few times. So I have not tried this yet, but as soon as I know it's Sephora stuff, that's why I would say it is good!  The package is really practical, also is not just one nail polish are 3! I guess it is pretty worth it.  I went to the Sephora website to check the price and it is US$18.00 (no tax). You may think this is expensive, but it is not! If you compare with the package that comes just 1 and costs US$10.00 (no tax). 

Emerald have already been shown up on red carpet, bags, shoes, clothes and many others! 

 Louis Vuitton purse

 Louis Vuitton dress at Vogue's cover (march 13)

Givenchy purse

Even Princess has being using it! 

Well this is my beauty/fashion advice for today!

Now the second subject! 

The pictures taken of the nail polish were taken by my iPhone camera! Yes it is true! I just had to use a Olloclip lens to create this amazing effects! 

The Olloclip lens is a 3 in one lenses that has Fish Eye, Macro and Wide Angle! The quality of the picture is excellent it is really practical! The price is about to US$69.99 (no tax). Here is a video:

Does anyone has one of this two things?! 

Tell me right down in the comments!



Wednesday 27 March 2013

Big Blog Exchange!

Hello Wonderinos! As we promised, here's the link to our page in the Big Blog Exchange contest! Pretty please vote for us by following these quick steps:1) Click on the link2) Vote, inserting your email3) Log in in you email and click in the link that has been sent to you to confirm the voteThere it is, you already helped! As the vote is counted using the email, you can only vote once. So it would help us a lot if you voted with all your email accounts and spread the word to family and friends!Thanks guys, you're awesome! And we'll see you very soon!

Monday 18 March 2013

Some Changes Are Coming...

Guys, we would like to announce some things for you.
1) We're changing some stuff here in the blog, including name and design. From now on, you all will find us as Wonderous. Tumblr and BlogLoving will be changed too.
2) The second announce is that we are taking part in a competition called "The Big Blog Exchange" ( which is a very nice experience between bloggers all around the world. We would be extremely happy if you could support us by voting in our blog in the link we're going to post here soon! Would you mind helping us, Wonders?

Thank you since now for everything :)

Wonderous Team X

Beauty Candy

Hello everyone! Firstly I'd like to apologise for my huge absence during this month. I'm quite busy at school these days, but I'll manage to post more often! So, how you guys have been? 
I came here today to share with you an amazing beauty product I've discovered! This week I was talking with one of my friends and she kept picking up some pinky gummy bears from her bag and I happened to ask her what was it. Then, she answered me with a simple quote "Beauty Candy, didn't you hear about that?'' 
The thing is: these tiny little gummy bears are a huge success around Brazil and now in the UK. They're part of a range called "Beauty'in" created by a brazilian entrepreneur Cristina Arcangeli. And, even though I live in Brazil, I didn't hear about that until now. 
I've tried one of these and I instantly got addicted. These gummy bears are delicious! And besides that, they're miraculous! They're boosted with collagen (an important element that gives elasticity to the skin, making it look a lot younger and healthier) and victamins A, C and E that act as an antiage too. The small package contains around 12 units (which is the ideal quantity for a day) and costs 7,00 reais (something around 2,50 pounds). It's a bit expansive, I know. But it really worths the price. 
The small candies are avaliable in 4 different flavours: raspberry, lemon, orange and strawberry. They're not as sweet as the usual gummy bears, as they're a beauty and healthy product that contains 0 sugar and fat, but I need to say that they taste incredibly good and can put and end to that sweet-hunger we have now and then. 

Have you ever tried this kind of product? Do you think it works? Share with us in the comments!

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Review: Sally Hansen "Salon Effects Real Nail Polish Strips"

Hello everyone!

How's everyone doing?

Well, as you all know I'm from Brazil and the last four days here were Carnaval. Which is a  traditional famous party here.

At this kind of celebration, people use to wear costumes and go out to dance and to see a kind of

On the other hand I didn't wear any kind of costume this year, but I wanted to be in the mood, so I colored my nails to , at least, don't forget about that.

Here it is:


As you can see the color "changes" depending on the place and light you have, which is something I think it's really cool. 

I did it by myself and didn't have many problems, actually it was pretty easy to do. Specially because you don't get all painted and also don't have to clean anything up. I took about 30 minutes to put it on, because it was the first time ever I was doing something like this in my own nails.

Before I put the strips on my nails I removed my cuticles and for make it easier I used the Sally Hansen "Salon Manicure Cuticle Eraser + Balm" this product is a cream that  hidrates the cuticle and makes it really easy to come off. 

Some Pics:

1- Cuticle Eraser
2- Nail Polish Strips


Inside the Nail Polish Strips box come:

It comes with 2 packs of strips!

Hope you have liked! 

Have you guys ever used it?! Tell me!


Thursday 31 January 2013

New Discovery!

Hello guys,

I was told about a eyeliner from "MAKE UP FOR EVER", to be truth I have never heard about this makeup brand, but that's fine! Thank God someone showed me. 

This eyeliner is not like any other that I know, because this is waterproof! That's right! Waterproof! So if you use it, you have to let it dries, when it is dry you don't have to worry, because it won't go out! Just if you use the eye makeup remover. 

Here is the eyeliner called "Aqua Eyes":

I have found the eyeliner at the Sephora website, I believe you can find at the store too! The price is acceptable US$18! There are many other colors by the way! 

Have you guys ever heard about this eyeliner? Have you tested it? 


Wednesday 30 January 2013

Style Crush - Zoe Sugg

Hello everybody! What's everyone up to? Well, I'm feeling pretty nostalgic this week because I'm coming back to school the next Monday and.... You know, school isn't my kind of thing. BUT THAT'S ALRIGHT I'LL MAKE THROUGHT IT (at least I hope so).
Okay, today I'm here to introduce you my biggest style crush of the moment: Zoe Sugg. She's a beauty blogger and vlogger and she was my greatest inspiration to start writing this blog and in my wildest dreams I picture myself being able to tell her that (and be friends with her, okay). So here it goes some of the reasos that make her my biggest style crush:

1) Her Ombre Hair: She was totally my one and only inspiration to finally get my ombre hair done (which I'll show you very very soon)!

2) Her addiction for red lipsticks: You are all witness. Now, I wear red lipstick like crazy.

Believe me, she's always wearing them. Ugh, and she looks so good!
3) Her buns: I'm gonna stop saying. Everything in this girl inspires me.

4) Her collar shirts

Okay, you got me. I like everything about her. And I'll stop fangirling now. Bye.
Also, If you want to watch her videos and read her blog, here are the links:

Now tell me you, do you have any style crush? I'd really like to know, so don't be ashamed and let me know in the comments!
I'll see you very soon,

Thursday 24 January 2013

January Favourites

Hello everyone! So, as I’ve promised in my previous post, I’ve chosen some of my favourite items that I’ve purchased during the last month and I would be glad to show you them right now.

My first favourite item is a red lipstick by Borjouis Paris which I’ve purchased in my last trip to Chile in the Free Shop at the airport. I’ve paid U$ 20,00 on it and I’m completely in love with it. It’s a bright red coloured lipstick and differently from my usual lipsticks, it isn’t matte. It’s really shiny, actually. This was something that surprised me a lot, because I usually don’t like shiny lipsticks. But yeah, I loved it and I’m currently wearing it like crazy.

The second item is a grey nail polish by O.P.I which I also have bought in the Free Shop and I’ve paid around U$ 10,00. I fell in love with it in the moment I saw it. It’s not a WOW item and it’s not even a striking colour, but I’ve felt like buying it simply because I haven’t seen nor used such a nice grey nail polish in my entire life. Since Vanity Fair has published Lady Gaga with a grey nail polish, I’ve been searching for an equally beautiful and elegant colour that wouldn’t seem a Granny’s nail polish and I finally found it. That’s why this is one my favourite items of the month.

My third favourite item is a simple Fragrance Mist by Victoria’s Secret, called SUCH A FLIRT. I usually love to have this kind of fragrance because I can take it with me in my bag all the time during the day. It’s not an expansive or strinking fragrance which makes it the perfect perfume for the everyday life. It smells like starfruit and white orchid in other words DELCIOUS. Highly recommended.
These are my January Favourites and I really hope you’ve liked it. Leave a comment if you’re feeling the coolest and I’ll see you very soon.

Monday 21 January 2013

Coming soon...

Hello my dear Foresters! How are you all? I really hope you've been good! So, for your happiness, I'm back from my lovely, wonderful and unforgettable trip to Chile and I'll be much more around here!
I'm so excited to share with you photos, experiences and, most important of all, PURCHASES! So, I was wondering... What you all think about a ''Current Favourites'' post? I'll show you briefly some stuff I've purchased during January.
So that's it! Get yourselves prepared because I'm doing it during this week! DON'T BE ASHAMED TO TALK TO ME DOWN IN THE COMMENTS, ON TUMBLR ASK (thewonderforest) AND TWITTER (@UKabulous)!
I'll see you very soon,

Monday 14 January 2013

Trish McEvoy mascara

Hey everyone!

Sorry for being away so long. I was travelling so it was impossible to post anything! I'm really sorry.

Well, today I'm goingo to talk abou the Trish McEvoy mascara, I don't know if anyone have heard about it... So, when I was buying this one the woman who was selling it to me me said that no makeup remover was necessary to take the mascara off! You just needed warm water to take it off! I went crazy when she said that, I've tested it and it really goes off with just warm water! Also when you take the mascara off your eyes don't get dark! So you don't have to clean your eyes after taking the mascara off.

About the mascara there's just one thing that is not so amazing that is the price, which is US$30 (no tax). But was worth it.

I've got this one, which is the "Lash Curling Mascara"- Jet Black. Well, there is no other colors. 

Here is the Trish McEcvoy website for more information:

Have you guys ever tried this one? Tell me down in the comments! 

See you


Wednesday 9 January 2013

how to: write a trip diary

Hello everyone! How are you all? Some of you went back to classes today, I suppose, didn’t you? Luckly, I didn’t. In fact, now I’m writing from a quite unusual place. I’m on board. Yes, on a plane. Well, actually, when this post go up here in the blog, I’ll problably not be on board anymore, but now I am. I’m on my way to Santiago, Chile and there’s a little chance that I’m crossing the Andes mountain range right now. The flight have been really nice so far and there’s no signal of storms and these stuff out there in the sky, thank God!
So, I was wondering I could share with you the most pleasant and wonderful way that exists to make a trip unforgettable, which is writing a trip diary. I know it seems quite old-fashioned, but you cannot believe how grateful it it is to sit down after a long time has passed since your trip, and bring back to your memory all the great moments you spent with your family in that journey.
It’s quite easy to write it, so I’ve done a simple guide containing 6 quick tips for you. Check it out:

1)      Get a nice diary. The notebook itself represents your personality. And you may keep it for several different trips during a long time, depending on how much you’re gonna write on it. This is mine:

2)      Start writing it before the trip begins. Write down where you’re going, how many days you’re going to stay there, your expectations… It all brings to your trip diary a truth feeling, like you’re getting ready to go on your trip.

3)      If it’s possible, add pictures and maps mixed with your notes. If you can’t print any image where you’re going to stay, save some spaces to put them on right after you get home. Digital pictures are great, but paper ones are the best.

4)      Write it at the end of the day. I suggest this moment to write down your notes simply because you can do a quick resume everything you’ve done in that day. Take a shower and separate 15 minutes before you go to your bed. You’ll be feeling tired, I’m not gonna lie. But it worthies at the end.

5)      Make headers. It turns the reading easier. I’d suggest your header to have your current location, the date and the time.

6)     Keep all the tickets, cards, flyers and ads you may find interesting. Even if they don’t fit in your diary, put them in a envelope, write down the trip information on it and keep it with your diary.

So that’s it. If you’re still on holidays, and you’re going on a trip, be sure that writing a trip diary doesn’t take so much as it seems. It’s a nice, personal and pleasant way to make your trip unforgettable. Wanna tell me some trip experience, if you ever wrote a trip diary or whatever it is, write down in the comments!
I’ll see you very soon,

Wednesday 2 January 2013

2013 - Let It Start!

Hello everyone! How are you all, cutie things? Soooo, if you didn't realise it yet, IT'S 2013 yay! I don't know about you, but I'm quite excited about this year so far. I can see a lot of great things coming for us and I have so many expectations and plans in my mind... That's why I'm doing this post! I'm gonna share with you my ''To Do'' list for 2013 (and pretty please, SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS WITH ME DOWN IN THE COMMENTS!).
So, here we go:

  1. To start, I want to take photograph lessons. I've got a professional camera for Christmas (here it is), so I'm quite excited to start taking great photos with it. 
  2. Re-design my bedroom. It's so basic and I got so bored with its decoration... I really need to change it. Ideas? Leave a comment!
  3. Fix my bad diet. This item is always on my 'to do' list, but let's make a pink promess right now: THIS YEAR, I'LL DO IT FOR GOOD.
  4. Study harder. I know it seems silliness and just another faulty item, but I really got to do this. And so do you, huh.
  5. Fix my social network addiction. These days, I went to sleep over my Grannys and my cellphone ran out of battery and I realised I just CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT INTERNET. And that's bad. That's really bad. I'll fix it.
  6. Take part on a social action or an NGO. My school has several nice social projects. It's time to let laziness aside and help people.
  7. Resume my piano lessons. Music had to be expelled from my schedule a time ago, but now, maybe, I could get a little time to play.
  8. Blog more. This blog is my dream, and now, with my new camera and great ideas, I promess that 2013 will be full of nice things around here.
  9. Arrange my writings. I have so many texts saved... I really need to organize them.
  10. Finally get courageous enough to make videos for you. What do you think?
That's just 10 of my thousands of plans for this year. Really, I have soooo many! What about all of you, beautiful people? Let me know what plans you have made for 2013! And together, let's make all of them become true!